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The following policy describes the legislative grant program under which SEATA, Inc provides funds to state athletic training associations to further their legislative agendas.   It is understood that a state’s legislative cycle may not coincide with the SEATA, Inc. fiscal year.  However, grant money is available on a fiscal year basis and applications must be received within the FY in order to be funded in that year.  You are encouraged to work with the Governmental Affairs Manager at NATA to plan your legislative program and prepare your grant application.




(Read Policy Description) The total annual budget for legislative grants may vary from year to year.  SEATA, Inc. does not have the resources to be the sole source of funding necessary to support individual state legislative activity.  States are expected to raise funds through dues, assessments, fundraising, or other means.  SEATA, Inc. requires a full disclosure of the state’s budget for legislative activities.


Grants are available for proactive or reactive legislative efforts.  First priority, however, will be for states seeking updates to their state practice acts (Tier 1 Activity).  All other activities are Tier 2.


Please complete a SEATA Legislative Grant Request form. Applications for funding requests and supporting materials should be sent to the SEATA Finance Workgroup Chair ( and the SEATA President (




The SEATA, Inc. fiscal year ends December 31 of each year, and requests for basic, basic plus and/or emergency grants may be made up to that date.  However, as previously indicated, discretionary grants must be approved in advance.  The SEATA Finance Workgroup advises applications be prepared well in advance and no later than December 1st.  Disbursements can be made when receipts are provided but must be submitted no later than December 31st.




If approved, funds will be sent to the application’s signatory.  Please allow a minimum of two weeks to process a reimbursement request.  The SEATA Finance Workgroup Chair will also notify the state president and treasurer that the funds have been sent.






NOTE: These grants are made at the discretion of SEATA.  The intention is to support the national legislative agenda through assistance to individual states.  SEATA cannot serve as the sole financial support of state efforts, but will provide funds as generously as limited resources and competing requests allow.  Early and frequent contact with the SEATA Finance Workgroup Chair ( and SEATA President ( will assure a smooth process.




LEVEL I:  Basic Grant(s)

All states that conduct legislative activities are eligible for a Basic Legislative Grant.  For 2017-2018, the maximum grant amount is $2,000.  To be eligible for the Basic Grant, legislative activities or reimbursement efforts must be demonstrated and an application submitted.


Application Process:

States may apply for funds by submitting a grant proposal to the SEATA Finance Workgroup Chair ( along with a detailed narrative regarding legislative activities.  Although requests will be accepted until the end of the fiscal year, applicant states are encouraged to submit the request as early as possible.  A reimbursement request and an activity report must be submitted by the state to the SEATA Finance Committee Chair within 6 months of the grant funding date.  If grant funds are provided from the Basic Plus Matching Funds and/or Discretionary/Emergency Funds, the report should also address the utilization of these funds and results.





LEVEL II: Matching Plus Grant(s)

States that conduct extraordinary fundraising specifically for legislative purposes may seek grants in the amount of their fundraising results, up to $1,000 per fiscal year.  In order to be eligible for the Matching “Plus” grant, funds must be donated by members, or through events organized and supported by members.  The premise of the Plus grant is to complement the investment of SEATA members in their legislative and regulatory efforts. 


Application Process:

At the conclusion of the fundraiser, an application may be made for a grant based on receipts, up to $1,000.  A list of contributors must be attached. 





LEVEL III:  Discretionary/Emergency Grants

As noted above, discretionary grants are available on a priority basis; states that must amend or “clean up” the licensure statute are given the highest priority (Tier 1).  Grants will be awarded by the SEATA Executive Board based upon recommendation of the SEATA Finance Committee and must be requested in advance of activity or expenditure.  Emergency requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis.  Deadline for receipt of requests for discretionary grants is December 1 of each year. 


Application Process:

States must apply for discretionary or emergency funds by completing the application form.  Requests for discretionary funds must be submitted by December 1 of the fiscal year.  (Currently, SEATA funds have not been allocated for Discretionary/Emergency Funds.)


Use of Funds

States may use discretionary grant funds for lobbyist fees, travel expenditures, grassroots, coalition building, etc.  Regular reports to SEATA (SEATA Executive Board and SEATA Finance Committee) are required.  Acceptable expenditures include, but are not limited to:

  • Lobbyist

  • Informational brochures/fliers

  • Expenses for “Athletic Training Day” at the state capital

  • Legal interpretation of state laws

  • Promotional giveaways for legislators allowed under applicable state statutes

  • Travel and phone expenses of state members for/to legislative committee meetings, etc.


Request of Funds

Requests for emergency funds will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.  Emergencies might entail, for example, an unexpected, short-term issue that required one-time travel to a regulatory agency or committee hearing to defend an existing practice act through testimony.


The following criteria will be considered before providing discretionary or emergency funds.  This is not an exhaustive list but is meant to be an example of criteria that will be used:

  • The state must show its commitment to the legislative effort by some of the following activities – fundraising, lobbyist contacts, and grassroots involvement.

  • Routine reporting throughout the legislative session to the SEATA Executive Board. Reports may be made by including SEATA’s Finance Committee Chair on e-mails and other communications to state leadership and members, or on reports from the state lobbyist. The SEATA Finance Committee Chair will forward all reports to the SEATA Executive Board.

  • SEATA and NATA input into legislative strategy.

  • SEATA and NATA input into lobbyist selection process.

  • Payment of expenses are based upon receipts/invoices* received by SEATA.


*Under special circumstances and upon approval of the SEATA President, states may receive funds in advance of expenditure in order to pay immediate expenses.  Requests for grant advances will be addressed on an individual basis; state presidents will be notified of these requests.





The Southeast Athletic Trainers' Association (SEATA) is District IX of the National Athletic Trainers' Association.  It is a not-for-profit organization dealing with the concerns of its members and the profession of athletic training as a whole.  This association was first started back in 1950.  Initially comprised of the members of the Southeastern Conference schools, this district is represented by Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.



PO Box# 158

Richmond KY 40476-0158


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SEATA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, military status, sexual orientation, or age.  SEATA is committed to accessibility and nondiscrimination in all aspects of its continuing education activities.  Participants who have special needs are encouraged to contact the program organizers so that all reasonable efforts to accommodate these needs can be made.

Proudly created and managed by Sharri H Jackson

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