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Jeri Zemke, PhD, LAT, ATC



Matthew Sabin, PhD, LAT, ATC

App Coordinator (KY)


Jeri Zemke, PhD, LAT, ATC

Member (AL)


Christopher Brown, PhD, LAT, ATC, CSCS

Member (FL)


Kim Barber Foss, MS, ATC

Member (GA)


Member (KY)


​Ray Castle, PhD, LAT, ATC

Member (LA)


Leslie Oglesby, PhD, LAT, ATC

Member (MS)


Helen Binkley, PhD, LAT, ATC, CSCS

Member (TN)



Board Liaison: 
President Kyle Southall (AL)





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1. SEATA Committee (Tier 3)

a) Composition (8 members). This State based committee shall be composed of seven members (one from each state) and an appointed CSMM App Coordinator. From the seven state members, two shall be appointed as co-Chairs (Program Coordinator and Faculty Coordinator).

b) Co-Chairs. The committee co-chairs shall be selected by the SEATA President, in consultation with the Executive Board State President(s), and/or committee members, and approved by the Executive Board.

c) Purpose. To develop and plan the educational content of the Annual SEATA Clinical Symposium & Members Meeting.

d) Duties.

i) Work with the Vice-President to plan the Annual SEATA Clinical Symposium & Members Meeting.

ii) Secure faculty and make all arrangements to address the needs of the faculty relative to their presentation.

iii) Issue and collect speaker agreement forms and materials for all Annual SEATA Clinical Symposium & Members Meeting faculty.

iv) Follow-up as needed with the Treasurer to ensure that all expenses relative to faculty are handled appropriately.

v) Coordinate meeting space as appropriate to conduct the Annual SEATA Clinical Symposium & Members Meeting.

vi) Coordinate with the Annual Symposium Oversight Committee regarding faculty expenditures and honorariums.

vii) Provide the Annual SEATA Clinical Symposium & Members Meeting educational program agenda in a timely manner to the Secretary and webmaster for distribution to the membership and publication to the SEATA website.

e) Polices:

i) Committee members shall adhere to the general SEATA Committee Policies as stated in Section II.C of this P&P Manual.

ii) SEATA Research Grant(s)

(1) Request for Grant Proposals: The Southeast Athletic Trainers’ Association Research and Education Committee grant award program provides financial support and encouragement for quality research that advances the knowledge base of sports health care. The Research and Education Committee advertises a request for proposals at least three (3) months prior to the deadline for submission. The request for proposals details: Research and Education Committee chair contact and links to the ‘research grant application guidelines and general information’. The eligibility requirements, deadline for proposals, obligations of winners, review process, human subjects and informed consent requirements, notification of award procedure, funding restrictions and grant application instructions are detailed on the research grant application guidelines and general information linked on the website.

(2) Deadline for Grant Application: The grant application deadline is indicated on the proposal and research grant application guidelines and general information (typically January or February).

(a) Completed grant applications should be e-mailed or mailed to the Chair of the Research and Education Committee, indicated on the research grant application guidelines and general information. Late proposals may be considered during the next grant funding cycle.

(3) Eligibility: Any health care professional may apply for a general research grant and students may apply for a student research grant. Priority will be given to those grant proposals which include a BOC certified athletic trainer who is a member of NATA District 9 (SEATA).

(4) Restrictions: A total of up to  $5,000 is available for funding general research grants and a total of $2,500 is available for funding student research grants. Grant funds should not be used to: 1) support textbook writing, 2) pay indirect (overhead) costs or 3) support research that is intended to result in the development of a product that is essentially commercial.

(5) Obligations of Recipients of Research Grants: Recipients of research grants must 1) assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination as part of the research project, 2) insure that any agency associated with the conduct of the project will subscribe and adhere to the guidelines for nondiscrimination, reporting obligations and use of the funds associated with this award, 3) notify the Chair of the Research and Education Committee of any modifications to the original grant proposal, at any time during the course of the project, 4) file a research progress report with the Co-Chair of the Research and Education Committee at six (6) month intervals and 5) prepare the findings of the research project for presentation at the SEATA Annual Meeting and Research Seminar.

(6) Review Process: The Research and Education Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending funding of research proposals. The review panel will consist of members of the Research and Education Committee and experts from other professions. The review process is conducted for each individual grant proposal and includes evaluation of the general merits of the individual proposed research. The Chair of the Research and Education Committee will receive and screen all grant applications for completeness and prepare them for distribution to the other members of the review team. The basic criteria for evaluating the research proposal will be associated with, but not limited to, the following general considerations:

(a) The extent to which the desired outcome of the project is clear, specific and attainable.

(b) The extent to which the proposal will make a contribution to the health care of the physically active population.

(c) The extent to which the procedures described in the proposal are likely to achieve the purpose of the project. Areas of specific consideration include reviews of existing literature, appropriate methodological design and statistical analysis.

(d) The project must be experimental in nature and designed to expand the existing body of knowledge in athletic training and sports health care.

(e) The extent to which the supporting facilities and personnel will be available for the completion of the project.

(f) Awards will only be made for research that reflects original unpublished work that has not been previously presented at other professional meetings.

(7) Notification of Award: The Chair of the Research and Education Committee will send letters to the principal investigators of the grant proposals indicating the outcome of the reviews. Announcement of the grant awards will be made in conjunction with the SEATA Annual Meeting and Research Seminar.

(8) Distribution of Award: Within the outcome letter from the Chair of the Research and Education Committee will be contact information for the SEATA treasurer in order for invoices to be submitted by award winners’ institution


The Southeast Athletic Trainers' Association (SEATA) is District IX of the National Athletic Trainers' Association.  It is a not-for-profit organization dealing with the concerns of its members and the profession of athletic training as a whole.  This association was first started back in 1950.  Initially comprised of the members of the Southeastern Conference schools, this district is represented by Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.



PO Box# 158

Richmond KY 40476-0158


SEATA Privacy Policy

SEATA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, military status, sexual orientation, or age.  SEATA is committed to accessibility and nondiscrimination in all aspects of its continuing education activities.  Participants who have special needs are encouraged to contact the program organizers so that all reasonable efforts to accommodate these needs can be made.

Proudly created and managed by Sharri H Jackson

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